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Youth Session at WTTC Global Summit 22


04 Jan 2023


Raghad Albaloushi


Youth Session at WTTC Global Summit 22


04 Jan 2023


Raghad Albaloushi


It was an honor to be part of the youth session at the WTTC Global Summit 22, taking part to share my perspective as a youth in the sustainable tourism industry. I had the opportunity to meet leaders and other young people from around the world, sharing our experience and knowledge together and discussing different topics.  

Global Speakers

  The opening of the WTTC Summit 2022 took place in November at the Ritz Carlton, Riyadh. The summit gathered 250 global CEOs and 52 international ministers and former presidents. The youth session was the first part of the summit, and it was a pleasurable experience attending as a Red Sea Global (RSG) employee. Other attendants were international students that came all the way to Saudi Arabia to attend the global summit, they were interested to learn more about RSG and other giga projects and fascinated to see Saudi Arabia’s efforts towards sustainable tourism.

Participants in the session included Minister of Tourism of Saudi Arabia, Ahmed AlKhateeb, who gave a speech addressing sustainable tourism and the role young people can play in making a better future in the industry. We also heard from former Secretary General of the United Nations (UN), Bon Ki Moon, who gave a speech showing his support for the power of sustainable tourism. Following the speech, Amani Alkhiami, senior research manager in MISK, moderated a panel discussion with international students. Introduction to Hospitality focused on global hospitality topics including tourism trends such as sustainability. We also discussed how Saudi Arabia is building its own tourism industry and considered a global leader, setting new standards for other destinations to follow. Other classes we enjoyed included Customer Experience, Quality Operations Management, and Rooms Division.  

Red Sea Global: pioneer in regenerative tourism

The last panel was moderated by CBS News broadcaster Peter Greenberg, in which I took part. It was an opportunity to express my gratitude towards being able to align both my interests and passion in my job – being part of building new sustainable, even regenerative, tourism destinations. on our planet with RSG. 

Working at RSG, the developer behind two of the world’s most ambitious regenerative tourism projects, The Red Sea and Amaala, supported me as a young advocate and pushed my interests even stronger to be more sustainable both personally and professionally. 

About Red Sea Global

Red Sea Global (RSG) is a vertically integrated real estate developerwith a diverse portfolio across tourism, residential, experiences,infrastructure, transport, healthcare, and services. This includes theluxury regenerative tourism destinations The Red Sea, which beganwelcoming guests in 2023, and AMAALA, which remains on track to welcomefirst guests in 2025.

A third destination, Thuwal Private Retreat openedin 2024. RSG has also been entrusted with refurbishment works at Al WajhAirport, focused on upgrading the existing terminal and infrastructure,and building a new international terminal.

RSG is a PIF company and acornerstone of Saudi Arabia’s ambition to diversify its economy. Acrossits growing portfolio of destinations, subsidiaries, and businesses, RSGseeks to lead the world towards a more sustainable future, showing howresponsible development can uplift communities, drive economies, andenhance the environment.

RSG is the visionary company behind some of the world’s most ambitious development ventures, including luxury regenerative tourism destinations such as The Red Sea and AMAALA.

Across its portfolio, RSG leverages the most innovative concepts, strategies, and technologies to deliver projects that actively enhance the wellbeing of customers, communities, and environments.

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