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Jewar App

A mobile application tailored to the local communities in the Red Sea.
Download Jewar App Download Jewar App

Empowering and Building the Future of the Red Sea

Jewar was launched as one of RSG's Socioeconomic empowerment and community engagement initiatives. It is a mobile application tailored to the local communities surrounding The Red Sea destination. The aim of Jewar is to facilitate sustainable opportunities and establish consistent engagement with the local communities.

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Jewar App
A mobile application tailored to the local communities in the Red Sea.
Download the app
background background

Empowering and Building the Future of the Red Sea

Jewar was launched as one of RSG's Socioecenomic empowerment and community engagment initiatives. It is a mobile application tailored to the local communities surrounding the Red Sea Destination. The aim of Jewar is to facilitate sustainable opportunities and establish consistent engagement with the local communities.

Jewar App Objectives


Enhance local community participation in the destination development.

Promote jobs and development programs to the local community.

Facilitate continuous interaction and feedback collection.

What Jewar Offers

What Jewar Offers


Be on the lookout of the latest job opportunities with Red Sea Global and partners and apply to them directly.

Programs & Events

Learn about the latest Educational and volunteering programs and events  and register for them.


Learn about the latest project developments and other updates in the Red Sea region, in addition to local stories & content.

Submit Suggestions

Submit your suggestions to the Red Sea Global team directly.

Programs & Events

Our Features

An error occurred while processing the template.
Java method "com.sun.proxy.$Proxy938.getLatestArticle(long)" threw an exception when invoked on com.sun.proxy.$Proxy938 object "hu.webtown.liferay.service.wrapper.redsea.journal.article.JournalArticleLocalServiceOverride@16b1a38e"; see cause exception in the Java stack trace.

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #assign journalArticle = journalArtic...  [in template "20097#20123#45213" in macro "getTabButton" at line 192, column 17]
	- Reached through: @getTabButton sliderTabData.classPK?n...  [in template "20097#20123#45213" at line 37, column 73]
1<#if serviceLocator??> 
2	<#assign journalArticleService=serviceLocator.findService("com.liferay.journal.service.JournalArticleLocalService") /> 
4	<#if sliderBackground?? && (sliderBackground.getData())?? && sliderBackground.getOptionsMap()[sliderBackground.getData()]??> 
5		<#assign sliderBackgroundValue = sliderBackground.getOptionsMap()[sliderBackground.getData()] /> 
6	</#if> 
8	<#if sliderBackgroundValue?? && "darkblue" == sliderBackgroundValue> 
9		<#assign headingColor = "white" /> 
10	</#if> 
12	<#assign headingSize = "medium" /> 
13	<#if getterUtil.getBoolean(largeTitle.getData())> 
14		<#assign headingSize = "large" /> 
15	</#if> 
17	<!-- begin sections/textImageSliderTabs --> 
18	<section class="textImageSliderTabs<#if sliderBackgroundValue??> textImageSliderTabs--${sliderBackgroundValue}</#if>"> 
19		<div class="textImageSliderTabs__inner wrapper" data-text-image-slider-tabs> 
20			<div class="textImageSliderTabs__head"> 
21				<!-- begin components/heading --> 
22				<div class="heading heading--${headingSize} textImageSliderTabs__title<#if headingColor??> heading--${headingColor}</#if>"> 
23					<#if (sliderTitle.getData())??> 
24						<h3 class="heading__subtitle">${sliderTitle.getData()}</h3> 
25					</#if> 
26				</div> 
28				<!-- end components/heading --> 
30				<div class="textImageSliderTabs__tabSlider swiper" data-map-tabs-slider> 
31					<div class="textImageSliderTabs__tabs swiper-wrapper" data-text-image-slider-tabs-tabs data-map-tabs-slider-slider> 
32						<#if textImageSliderTabItem.getSiblings()?has_content> 
33							<#list textImageSliderTabItem.getSiblings() as cur_textImageSliderTabItem> 
34								<#assign sliderTabData = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(cur_textImageSliderTabItem.getData()) /> 
36								<#if sliderTabData?? && sliderTabData.classPK??> 
37									<@getTabButton sliderTabData.classPK?number cur_textImageSliderTabItem?index cur_textImageSliderTabItem?is_last/> 
38								</#if> 
39							</#list> 
40						</#if> 
41					</div> 
42				</div> 
44				<div class="textImageSliderTabs__selectWrapper"> 
46					<!-- begin components/select --> 
47					<div class="select select--noLabel textImageSliderTabs__select" data-input-label="select--filled" 
48						 data-custom-select data-custom-select-theme="noLabel"> 
49						<select id="tabs-select" name="tabs-select" class="select__select" data-input-label-input 
50								data-custom-select-input name="tabs-select" required data-text-image-slider-tabs-select> 
51							<option value="" class="select__option" disabled="disabled" data-empty="1"></option> 
52							<#if textImageSliderTabItem.getSiblings()?has_content> 
53								<#list textImageSliderTabItem.getSiblings() as cur_textImageSliderTabItem> 
54									<#assign sliderTabData = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(cur_textImageSliderTabItem.getData()) /> 
56									<#if sliderTabData?? && sliderTabData.classPK??> 
57										<@getSelectOption sliderTabData.classPK?number cur_textImageSliderTabItem?index/> 
58									</#if> 
59								</#list> 
60							</#if> 
61						</select> 
62						<span class="input__error"></span> 
63					</div> 
65					<!-- end components/select --> 
66				</div> 
67			</div> 
69			<div class="textImageSliderTabs__content"> 
70				<div class="textImageSliderTabs__info"> 
71					<div class="textImageSliderTabs__textSlider swiper" data-text-image-slider-tabs-slider> 
72						<div class="textImageSliderTabs__textItems swiper-wrapper"> 
73							<#if textImageSliderTabItem.getSiblings()?has_content> 
74								<#list textImageSliderTabItem.getSiblings() as cur_textImageSliderTabItem> 
75									<#assign sliderTabData = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(cur_textImageSliderTabItem.getData()) /> 
77									<#if sliderTabData?? && sliderTabData.classPK??> 
78										<@getSliderItem sliderTabData.classPK?number cur_textImageSliderTabItem?index/> 
79									</#if> 
80								</#list> 
81							</#if> 
82						</div> 
83					</div> 
85					<!-- begin components/sliderNav --> 
86					<div class="sliderNav sliderNav--gold textImageSliderTabs__nav textImageSliderTabs__nav--desktop" 
87						 data-text-image-slider-tabs-nav data-slider-nav> 
89						<!-- begin components/arrowButton --> 
90						<button 
91								class="arrowButton arrowButton--prev arrowButton--gold sliderNav__arrow sliderNav__arrow--prev" 
92								data-slider-nav-prev> 
93							<span class="arrowButton__arrow"></span> 
94						</button> 
96						<!-- end components/arrowButton --> 
98						<!-- begin components/arrowButton --> 
99						<button 
100								class="arrowButton arrowButton--next arrowButton--gold sliderNav__arrow sliderNav__arrow--next" 
101								data-slider-nav-next> 
102							<span class="arrowButton__arrow"></span> 
103						</button> 
105						<!-- end components/arrowButton --> 
106					</div> 
108					<!-- end components/sliderNav --> 
109				</div> 
111				<div class="textImageSliderTabs__sliderWrapper"> 
112					<div class="textImageSliderTabs__slider swiper" data-text-image-slider-tabs-image-slider> 
113						<div class="textImageSliderTabs__items swiper-wrapper"> 
114							<#if textImageSliderTabItem.getSiblings()?has_content> 
115								<#list textImageSliderTabItem.getSiblings() as cur_textImageSliderTabItem> 
116									<#assign sliderTabData = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(cur_textImageSliderTabItem.getData()) /> 
118									<#if sliderTabData?? && sliderTabData.classPK??> 
119										<@getImage sliderTabData.classPK?number cur_textImageSliderTabItem?index/> 
120									</#if> 
121								</#list> 
122							</#if> 
123						</div> 
124					</div> 
125				</div> 
127				<!-- begin components/sliderNav --> 
128				<div class="sliderNav sliderNav--gold textImageSliderTabs__nav textImageSliderTabs__nav--mobile" 
129					 data-text-image-slider-tabs-nav-mobile data-slider-nav> 
131					<!-- begin components/arrowButton --> 
132					<button 
133							class="arrowButton arrowButton--prev arrowButton--gold sliderNav__arrow sliderNav__arrow--prev" 
134							data-slider-nav-prev> 
135						<span class="arrowButton__arrow"></span> 
136					</button> 
138					<!-- end components/arrowButton --> 
140					<!-- begin components/arrowButton --> 
141					<button 
142							class="arrowButton arrowButton--next arrowButton--gold sliderNav__arrow sliderNav__arrow--next" 
143							data-slider-nav-next> 
144						<span class="arrowButton__arrow"></span> 
145					</button> 
147					<!-- end components/arrowButton --> 
148				</div> 
150				<!-- end components/sliderNav --> 
151			</div></div> 
152	</section> 
154	<#macro getImage classPK index> 
155		<#assign journalArticle = journalArticleService.getLatestArticle(classPK) /> 
156		<#assign document = /> 
157		<#assign rootElement = document.getRootElement()> 
158		<#assign imageXPathSelector = saxReaderUtil.createXPath("dynamic-element[@field-reference='image']")> 
160		<#local image = ""> 
162		<#if imageXPathSelector?? && imageXPathSelector.selectSingleNode(rootElement)??> 
163			<#local image = imageXPathSelector.selectSingleNode(rootElement).getStringValue()?trim> 
164		</#if> 
166		<#if image?has_content> 
167			<#attempt > 
168				<#local imgJson = jsonFactoryUtil.createJSONObject(image)> 
169				<#recover > 
170					<#local imgJson = ''> 
171			</#attempt> 
172		</#if> 
173		<div class="textImageSliderTabs__item swiper-slide" 
174				<#if index==0> 
175					data-text-image-slider-tabs-slide-type="current" 
176				</#if> 
178			<div class="textImageSliderTabs__itemImage"> 
179				<#if (imgJson.url)?has_content> 
180					<img 
181							class="textImageSliderTabs__itemImg" 
182							data-fileentryid="${imgJson.fileEntryId}" 
183							src="${imgJson.url}" 
184							alt="${imgJson.alt}" 
185							loading="lazy" /> 
186				</#if> 
187			</div> 
188		</div> 
189	</#macro> 
191	<#macro getTabButton classPK index last> 
192		<#assign journalArticle = journalArticleService.getLatestArticle(classPK) /> 
193		<#assign document = /> 
194		<#assign rootElement = document.getRootElement() /> 
196		<#assign titleXPathSelector = saxReaderUtil.createXPath("dynamic-element[@field-reference='tabTitle']") /> 
197		<#assign title = titleXPathSelector.selectSingleNode(rootElement).getStringValue() /> 
199		<#if index == 0> 
200			<button class="textImageSliderTabs__tab textImageSliderTabs__tab--active swiper-slide<#if last> textImageSliderTabs__tab--margin</#if>" 
201					data-text-image-slider-tabs-tab="${index}">${title} 
202			</button> 
203		<#else> 
204			<button class="textImageSliderTabs__tab swiper-slide<#if last> textImageSliderTabs__tab--margin</#if>" data-text-image-slider-tabs-tab="${index}">${title} 
205			</button> 
206		</#if> 
207	</#macro> 
209	<#macro getSelectOption classPK index> 
210		<#assign journalArticle = journalArticleService.getLatestArticle(classPK) /> 
211		<#assign document = /> 
212		<#assign rootElement = document.getRootElement() /> 
214		<#assign titleXPathSelector = saxReaderUtil.createXPath("dynamic-element[@field-reference='tabTitle']") /> 
215		<#assign title = titleXPathSelector.selectSingleNode(rootElement).getStringValue() /> 
217		<#if index == 0> 
218			<option value="${index}" class="select__option" selected="selected">${title}</option> 
219		<#else> 
220			<option value="${index}" class="select__option">${title}</option> 
221		</#if> 
222	</#macro> 
224	<#macro getSliderItem classPK index> 
225		<#assign journalArticle = journalArticleService.getLatestArticle(classPK) /> 
226		<#assign document = /> 
227		<#assign rootElement = document.getRootElement() /> 
229		<#assign titleXPathSelector = saxReaderUtil.createXPath("dynamic-element[@field-reference='tabTitle']") /> 
230		<#assign title = titleXPathSelector.selectSingleNode(rootElement).getStringValue() /> 
232		<#assign descriptionXPathSelector = saxReaderUtil.createXPath("dynamic-element[@field-reference='tabDescription']") /> 
233		<#assign descriptionList = descriptionXPathSelector.selectNodes(rootElement) /> 
235		<#assign ctaXPathSelector = saxReaderUtil.createXPath("dynamic-element[@field-reference='cta']") /> 
236		<#assign ctaURLXPathSelector = saxReaderUtil.createXPath("dynamic-element[@field-reference='ctaURL']") /> 
237		<#assign ctaNode = ctaXPathSelector.selectSingleNode(rootElement) /> 
238		<#assign ctaUrl = ctaURLXPathSelector.selectSingleNode(ctaNode).getStringValue() /> 
240		<#assign ctaLabelXPathSelector = saxReaderUtil.createXPath("dynamic-element[@field-reference='ctaLabel']") /> 
241		<#assign ctaNode = ctaXPathSelector.selectSingleNode(rootElement) /> 
242		<#assign ctaLabel = ctaLabelXPathSelector.selectSingleNode(ctaNode).getStringValue() /> 
244		<#assign sameCTALookOnMobileAndDesktopXPathSelector = saxReaderUtil.createXPath("dynamic-element[@field-reference='sameCTALookOnMobileAndDesktop']") /> 
245		<#assign ctaNode = ctaXPathSelector.selectSingleNode(rootElement) /> 
246		<#assign sameCTALookOnMobileAndDesktop = sameCTALookOnMobileAndDesktopXPathSelector.selectSingleNode(ctaNode).getStringValue()  /> 
248		<div class="textImageSliderTabs__textItem swiper-slide" 
249				<#if index == 0> 
250					data-text-image-slider-tabs-slide-type="current" 
251				</#if> 
253			<!-- begin components/heading --> 
255			<#if (descriptionList?size > 1)> 
256				<div class="textImageSliderTabs__contentInner"> 
257					<ul> 
258						<#list descriptionList as cur_tabDescription> 
259							<li>${cur_tabDescription.getStringValue()}</li> 
260						</#list> 
261					</ul> 
262					<@getButton ctaLabel ctaUrl sameCTALookOnMobileAndDesktop, "textImageSliderTabs__button" /> 
263				</div> 
264			<#elseif (descriptionList?size == 1)> 
265				<div class="heading textImageSliderTabs__heading"> 
266					<#if (title)?has_content> 
267						<h3 class="heading__subtitle">${title}</h3> 
268					</#if> 
269					<p class="heading__text">${descriptionList[0].getStringValue()}</p> 
270					<@getButton ctaLabel ctaUrl sameCTALookOnMobileAndDesktop, "heading__button" /> 
271				</div> 
272			</#if> 
274			<!-- end components/heading --> 
275		</div> 
276	</#macro> 
278	<#macro getButton ctaLabel ctaUrl sameCTALookOnMobileAndDesktop class> 
279		<#if ctaLabel?trim?has_content && ctaUrl?trim?has_content> 
280			<#if ctaLabel??><#assign dataGAProps = "{&quot;button_name&quot;:&quot;${ctaLabel}&quot;,"></#if> 
281			<#if ctaURL??><#assign dataGAProps += "&quot;page_destination&quot;:&quot;${ctaURL}&quot;, "></#if> 
282			<#assign dataGAProps += "&quot;language&quot;:&quot;${themeDisplay.getLocale().getDisplayLanguage()}&quot;}"> 
283			<#if sameCTALookOnMobileAndDesktop?has_content && sameCTALookOnMobileAndDesktop?trim == "true"> 
284				<a href="${ctaUrl}" 
285				   class="button button--gold ${class}" data-wave-button data-ga="button_click" data-ga-props="${dataGAProps}"> 
286					<span class="button__text">${ctaLabel}</span> 
287				</a> 
288			<#else> 
289				<!-- begin components/button --> 
290				<a href="${ctaUrl}" 
291				   class="button button--gold ${class} heading__button--desktop" 
292				   data-wave-button data-ga="button_click" data-ga-props="${dataGAProps}"> 
293					<span class="button__text">${ctaLabel}</span> 
294				</a> 
296				<!-- end components/button --> 
298				<!-- begin components/moreButton --> 
299				<a href="${ctaUrl}" 
300				   class="moreButton moreButton--gold ${class} heading__button--mobile" data-ga="button_click" data-ga-props="${dataGAProps}"> 
301					<span class="moreButton__text">${ctaLabel}</span> 
302				</a> 
304				<!-- end components/moreButton --> 
305			</#if> 
306		</#if> 
307	</#macro> 


Jewar was launched as one of RSG's Socioecenomic empowerment and community engagment initiatives. It is a mobile application tailored to the local communities surrounding the Red Sea Destination. The aim of Jewar is to facilitate sustainable opportunities and establish consistent engagement with the local communities.


What Jewar Offers

A look inside Jewar and what it offers.

Download the app

What Jewar Offers

A look inside Jewar and what it offers.

Download the app


As part of our community development initiatives aiming to upskill the local community, Red Sea Global (RSG) is offering a six-month online general English language program. This program will train 600 young people from the local communities around The Red Sea and AMAALA, equipping them with the language skills they’ll need to succeed in the international tourism industry.

Registration for the program will be open from October 17 to October 22, 2022. And the duration of this program is six months.

Empowering and Building the Future of the Red Sea

  1. shape 1

    Apply for jobs announced by Red Sea Global and its subsidiaries.
  2. shape 2

    Participate in educational, cultural enrichment, and volunteer programs in the Red Sea region.
  3. shape 3

    View the latest news and project developments in the Red Sea region.
  4. shape 4

    Participate in questionnaires and submit suggestions and opinions.
Program objectives
This program will train 600 young people from the local communities around The Red Sea and AMAALA, equipping them with the language skills they’ll need to succeed in the international tourism industry. Registration for the program will be open from October 17 to October 22, 2022. And the duration of this program is six months.
  • icon
    Gain the skills and confidence to engage with the Kingdom’s international visitors
  • icon
    Participate in the development of a world-class tourism destination
  • icon
    Open new long term and rewarding career paths
  • icon
    Learn the language skills you need to succeed in the Kingdom’s burgeoning tourism industry

Write to us

Have any suggestions or issues you need help with? 

Contact us

Jewar App - FAQs


See the most frequently asked questions

  • Jewar App is a mobile app that is tailored to the local community around The Red Sea destination. The app allows users to stay up-to-date on the latest news, jobs, and programs offered by RSG and its partners, apply for open positions, participate in educational, cultural, volunteer, and enrichment programs, learn about the latest news and developments of projects in the region, and submit suggestions and feedback about the Red Sea destination.
  • Currently, the app targets the local community in Umluj, Alwajh, Duba, and surrounding villages.
  • Yes, you can use Jewar App if you are not in the Red Sea region. However, the content and initiatives are exclusive to residents of the Red Sea region.
  • Yes, Jewar App is owned by Red Sea Global, which is one of the most ambitious development companies in the world. It is wholly owned by the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia.
  • Jewar App offers many benefits to users, including:

    • Staying up-to-date on the latest news, jobs, and programs offered by Red Sea Global and its partners.
    • Applying for open positions at Red Sea Global Company and its subsidiaries.
    • Participating in educational, cultural, volunteer, and enrichment programs in the Red Sea region.
    • Learning about the latest news and developments of projects in the Red Sea region.
    • Submitting suggestions and feedback about the Red Sea destination.
  • Jewar App is currently available in Arabic and English.
  • Jewar App is compatible with smartphones and tablets running iOS and Android operating systems.
  • You can submit suggestions or feedback about the Red Sea destination by clicking the "Feedback" tab in the app.
  • You can contact Red Sea Global through the "Contact Us" page on the company's website.
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Wrire to us

Have any suggestions or issues you need help with? 

Contact us Contact us

Get in touch

To learn more about Red Sea Global, please get in touch.

Contact us