Asset Publisher

Ocean conservation: Why the first-ever high seas treaty matters


19 Jun 2023


Ocean conservation: Why the first-ever high seas treaty matters


19 Jun 2023



About Red Sea Global

Red Sea Global (RSG) is a vertically integrated real estate developerwith a diverse portfolio across tourism, residential, experiences,infrastructure, transport, healthcare, and services. This includes theluxury regenerative tourism destinations The Red Sea, which beganwelcoming guests in 2023, and AMAALA, which remains on track to welcomefirst guests in 2025.

A third destination, Thuwal Private Retreat openedin 2024. RSG has also been entrusted with refurbishment works at Al WajhAirport, focused on upgrading the existing terminal and infrastructure,and building a new international terminal.

RSG is a PIF company and acornerstone of Saudi Arabia’s ambition to diversify its economy. Acrossits growing portfolio of destinations, subsidiaries, and businesses, RSGseeks to lead the world towards a more sustainable future, showing howresponsible development can uplift communities, drive economies, andenhance the environment.

RSG is the visionary company behind some of the world’s most ambitious development ventures, including luxury regenerative tourism destinations such as The Red Sea and AMAALA.

Across its portfolio, RSG leverages the most innovative concepts, strategies, and technologies to deliver projects that actively enhance the wellbeing of customers, communities, and environments.

Get in touch

To learn more about Red Sea Global, please get in touch.

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